
「オホーツクの海の幸を全国の食卓に」を合言葉にして参りました。より新鮮な食品を産地直送で皆様の食卓へお届けし、食の感動を覚えて頂ければ幸いに存じます。 我々従業員一同、よりよい品物を、そしてお客様にとってより快い対応を心掛け職務に専念致しております。どうぞ今後とも皆様のご愛顧を賜りますよう心からお願い申し上げます

Our Services

Gourmet meal and white wine

Seafood Tasting Events

Experience the rich flavors and variety of Hokkaido seafood through our curated tasting events, where you can savor the best catches of the season.
cooked shrimp

Custom Seafood Orders

Can't find the specific seafood you're looking for? We offer custom seafood orders, fulfilling your unique requirements and ensuring your satisfaction.
lobster on icy tray

Seafood Restaurant Consulting

Whether you're starting a new seafood restaurant or want to improve your existing one, we provide expert consulting services to enhance your menu and overall dining experience.

From the sea to your plate. Taste the freshness of Hokkaido!

Experience the finest seafood delivered to your doorstep.

Schedule a Session to Explore the World of Fresh Seafood

Discover the finest selection of seafood and learn about their unique qualities.


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