Automating the Estate Settlement Process

Every estate is different. Single, never married, no kids. Divorced, dependant parents, adopted child.

And now everything is electronic. All of our details are locked behind passwords in our email and apps.

Admnistr unearths all of those accounts, those assets, and those liabilities that creates complexity around even the most simple of estates. We place the power in your hands to “pull the levers” to discover estate details, file for benefits, and close accounts - in the order and timing of your choosing.

How It Works

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We have partnered with all the major financial institutions, government agencies and commercial entities to find information around banking, pensions, insurance, mortgages, divorces, and pending lawsuits - all of the details that make up a person's estate picture.

Metro Roof


Our platform allows you to forward physical mail, apply for survivor benefits, file taxes, request Clearance Certificates - leaving no loose ends for survivors to worry about.

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Accounts like phone, internet, Facebook, house insurance can all be cancelled, or transferred, in one fell swoop, or one by one in whatever order works for the estate.

We focus on clients that help executors:


Credit Unions

Estate Lawyers

Notaries Public

Family Offices

Insurance Companies

Public Trustees

Funeral Homes

Wealth Managers

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