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Expert Architectural Services in Palma

We specialize in evaluating, analyzing, and quantifying construction-related issues to assist with insurance claims and legal matters.


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Quality Control in Construction

We provide rigorous quality control measures throughout the construction process, ensuring adherence to standards, minimizing defects, and optimizing project outcomes.
woman in teal t-shirt sitting beside woman in suit jacket

Expert Witness Services

Our experts offer professional testimony and guidance as expert witnesses in construction-related legal cases, leveraging their expertise to support clients' legal strategies.
The Zentrum Paul Klee is a museum dedicated to the artist Paul Klee, located in Bern, Switzerland and designed by the Italian architect Renzo Piano. It features about 40 percent of Paul Klee’s entire pictorial oeuvre. Source Wikipedia

Technical Architecture Consulting

We provide expert analysis and consulting services for technical architecture projects, ensuring optimal design, functionality, and compliance with regulations.

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Connect with us to evaluate, analyze, and quantify construction-related problems for insurance claims and legal matters.


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(+34) 661 235 390

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