Global Calls Made Easy

With AnyCall, connect with anyone, anywhere in the world without the hassle of registration or purchasing a number. Just make the call and pay only for the seconds you use. Want a dedicated number? Simply choose any number that comes to mind, and it's yours.

Connect freely, speak globally, pay simply.

Start your call journey now!


0$/Month - Free Anonymity

  • No Registration Required

  • Make Anonymous Calls Instantly

  • Pay-per-second

  • Calls From Random Numbers

  • Only Outbound Calls


  • Type and Create Your Own Number

  • Pay-per-second

  • All Free Plan Benefits

  • Only Outbound Calls

4.99/Month - Global Citizen

  • Inbound/Outbound Calls and SMS

  • Purchase from a list of available numbers

  • Pay-per-second

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any hidden fees?

No, there are no hidden fees. You only pay for the seconds consumed during your calls.

How does AnyCall work?

AnyCall allows you to make calls to anywhere in the world without the need to register or purchase a number. Just dial the number you wish to call and pay only for the seconds consumed.

How do I pay for the calls?

You will be charged based on the duration of the call, paying only for the seconds you use.

Can I really make calls from any number I want

Yes! you can create any number you want! even 1111111111!

Can I make both inbound/outbound calls and SMS

Yes, you can. You need to purchase one of our globally registered number. You cannot create your own number for this, you'll have to pick from one of the numbers provided by us.

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