Лагерь Академии ТОП

Что мы делали?

Design smartphone definition

день 1, 5, 6

Дизайн создание пикселель арт, стикеры, илюстрация

A man holding a cell phone sitting in front of a computer

день 2

Создавали игру коду

Just like two strangers meeting each other for the first time and not knowing where to begin thier conversation, I’ve always been fascinated by all the cool stuff designers and web developers do with Javascript and its various libraries but never been able to wrap my head around the concept or where to begin studying it.
So I decided I would spend a few hours on it each day, and just like the way friendship grows, I’m now becoming very fond of learning the language.

день 3

3Д моделирование

Green toy robot and its minions on a yellow couch.

день 4


a close up of a statue of a man in a red jacket

день 7


On the set in phoenix Arizona, for a music video with Gordon Cowie Films. 


день 8, 9

фото и видео