person wearing orange jacket

Expert frontend engineer with full stack cred.

Dustin has been developing solutions for world-class companies like Netflix and NASA for over 20 years. His creativity and curiosity enable him to see fresh perspectives, ask insightful questions, and find clever approaches to ambiguous problems.


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Side Projects

The Tunnel

Keyword Classic NLP Library

Keyword Classic implements NLP algorithms including Textrank, Cosine Similarity, Edit Distance, and TF-IDF in Typescript
At the top of Reunion Tower in Dallas Texas, you’ll find these patterns wrapped around the center of the building.

CS in JS Algos & Design Patterns

CS in JS explores Computer Science through the lens of JavaScript with examples of well-known algorithms and design patterns.
Vivid Sydney

VeeDoom Virtual DOM

Written in Rust and compiled to WASM, VeeDoom was intended as a performant replacement for the React virtual DOM.

Dustin is actively pursuing his next role as a staff frontend engineer.


Let's Chat
