DNA Genotyping and Sequencing. A technician observing cells under a microscope at the Cancer Genomics Research Laboratory, part of the National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG).

Webinar: EABR Nanoparticles as a Platform Technology for Hybrid mRNA Vaccine

Creative Biolabs has invited Dr. Magnus A.G. Hoffmann to walk us through the application of hybrid mRNA technology in vaccine development, strategies for optimizing hybrid mRNA vaccines, and the use of this technology in developing pan-coronavirus vaccines.

November 20th, 2024, 2 PM–3 PM EST

Register now to secure your spot: Creative Biolabs Webinar Registration.

Our Services

Chanelle Case Borden, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow in the National Cancer Institute's Experimental Immunology Branch, pipetting DNA samples into a tube for polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, a laboratory technique used to make multiple copies of a segment of DNA.

Precipitation Reagent-Based Separation

We offer precipitation reagent-based exosome separation solutions that are simple to use and highly effective. This method is ideal for labs looking for a quick and reliable way to isolate exosomes from various biological samples.


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