Recognizing the Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and Software


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported and guided me throughout my ICT/CSS journey. Special thanks to Sir Arjay Jemina for providing me with the invaluable opportunity to gain practical experience

Grade 11/12 Lessons

Back of System Unit

The back side contains all other connections - for power, monitor, keyboard, mouse, Internet connection, and any other peripheral devices.

Assemble & Disassemble

assembling and disassembling a system unit require a careful and systematic approach to ensure that components are not damaged and that everything is correctly installed or removed. This process is fundamental for building custom PCs, upgrading hardware, or performing maintenance and repairs.

Exploring MacOS: Your Guide to Apple's Operating System.

The instructor covered MacOS features and functionality. MacOS is Apple's operating system, and it integrates with Apple devices seamlessly and has an intuitive interface.

Client & Server

the client-server model is fundamental in networking, where clients request services or resources, and servers provide them, enabling efficient data exchange and resource utilization in distributed computing environments.

Programming a website with encoding

Encoding plays a vital role in preserving data integrity, security, and compatibility. It is a basic component of web development that entails converting data into formats appropriate for safe and effective transmission, storage, and processing.


CSS is the language used to describe the presentation of a web page, including layout, colors, fonts, and styles. It separates content from design to enhance the maintainability and flexibility of web pages, HTML provides the structure of the web page, while CSS handles the styling, ensuring a clear separation of content and presentation.

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Have a great day!