Discover your roots and connect

Uncover your family history, explore your heritage, and stay connected with your loved ones.

Nos Services

family portrait

Organisation de réunions familiales

Nous vous aidons à organiser des réunions familiales inoubliables pour renforcer les liens et créer de nouveaux souvenirs.
Every year we plan a trip to outskirts of Belgium with a close group of friends. We rent a cottage in the woods, cook yummy food and hike through forests to cure our hangover. This was shot on one of our hikes.

Arbre généalogique en ligne

Créez votre arbre généalogique en ligne pour découvrir vos origines et retrouver vos ancêtres perdus.
An oil painting that tells the uplifting story of just one lucky hiker. Who Finds the presence of forethought to stop a while. For something stronger than his sense of victory for climbing this far, is telling him, “Look, see the beauty of this land wherein you found your new sense of pride. The will to live on”. This painting has been sold. I still own copyright of its composition. You can purchase other original work using PayPal from the following link.

Recherche d'ancêtres

Nous effectuons des recherches approfondies pour retrouver vos ancêtres et reconstituer votre histoire familiale.

Discover your roots, connect with your family, stay connected.

Start your journey today!

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