Jakub Kalousek

" ... Sublimely mordant, keenly abstruse ... "

( Hela Fchunçe, Par&Thesis Quaterly, 2022 )


Paintings and Drawings

... "In Kalousek§s work .... There is the intoxication of the moment, the experience of a day, an hour or a second. His work contain memories of the past generations and their graphical lemniscate repetition eviscerating inexorably ephemeral time in esse. Cruelty, ruthlessness and the concurrent yet unrepeatable feelings linked to a certain person, moment, or a place in space and time are autobiographically ontic both in the textual graffiti and black humored imagery " ...

( Jiří Machalický, PhD, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic , Introduction to the Gallery U Rečických exhibit )

Interactive Installations

"Mobile installations with a trigger-happy knack for action to comminate viewer's bewilderment are, in the essence, an extension of Kalousek's drawings, where harmony and discord share intermittently the same timeline when activated by a hapless seeker of the message ... "

( Uma Kartova, "Par&Thesis" June 2023 )

Illustration & Animation

"Watching Jakub Kalousek live webcast of "Straight From The Heart" strikes with shivers .... " ( Frinda Mbakuli , San Francisco Art News 2021 )


            It is not abnormal that an author does not want to speak of his/her work. Despite possibly claiming otherwise, authors know a little of their process in making, in the same way, that the processed food knows little of its origin. But to abstain from fashionable cynicism, I will say a little: 

I create work with intent to persuade a witness, jury, but not necessarily a conscious viewer. My work is my rhetoric that nudges my neighbor into the future, that is forming fluidly in front of both of us, as well as for the future audience to be able to reflect on its past. I do not expect to have a broad audience that will grasp my work as the nomenclature and rubrics for art is a permutations of too many variables that have no bearing on its quiddity, but it also can be an easy excuse to feel unhindered to create for someone else's expectations, and in the worst possible scenario, it may be just flippant arrogance to excuse oneself for not making anything good.

"PECKING ORDER" ( 2019 )

PECKING ORDER - Anecdotal compilation of selected interactive installations by Jakub Kalousek from various exhibits, performances, and music videos that are part of Kalousek's series "CULTIVATING COMPLACENCY", and "LUXURY OF REFLECTION" , #cultivatincomplacency, #luxuryofreflection,

From the Press

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