The Island iz ours
im tryn get enough dough to bail the squad out the pen ya heard lets go to the moon

Big Joe
Chief Executive Officer
Joe is a creative strategist with a knack for viral marketing, bringing insights from the world of memecoins and pop culture to the forefront of our campaigns. His ability to connect trends with engaging content makes him a key player in driving our brand's visibility.

Big Diddy
Strategic Partnerships
Diddy is a digital community manager with extensive experience in social media engagement and online reputation management. He excels at building relationships with our audience and ensuring that our messaging resonates across platforms.

Big Nigga Jeff
Chief Financial Officer
Jeff has always been a cut above the rest when it comes to finances. With an extensive history and a plethora of personal connections, he has always been the person to go to when in need. Tokenomics by Jeff.
Services Offered by Joe's Pimped Out Paymasters
Consultation Services
We been been launderin for the FBI
Marketing Strategies
we kno how to get the money into our pockets
Client Privileges
we kno what you want and we got wut you need fr #Freedemboys

Freedom is a game, let's play it boldly!
we gon free the boys #TheyAintDoNun