The last night of a two week stay on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.

Лагерь академии Топ

Join us for an unforgettable experience at our portfolio showcase from 12th to 23rd August 2024. Discover the creativity and skills of our participants as they present their works. Be part of the journey and witness the talent that awaits!

Что мы делали

two people meeting with iphone and ipad

день 1,5,6

дизайн: создание пиксель арт, стикеров, пушистой иллюстрации

eye for the detail

2 день

создание игры Kodu

Unsplash Power

3 день

3D- моделирование

BMX Competition in Amsterdam

4 день


group of people in red and black shirt



Montreal Design Club

8,9 день

создание фото и видео