Design meeting

Building Close Relationships Through Digital Marketing

We help businesses connect with their target customers through the power of the Internet, AI, and data-driven decision-making. Our services include digital advertising, media public relations, internet celebrity cooperation, event planning, and brand planning. Whether you are a Chinese company looking to expand overseas or an overseas company aiming to enter the Chinese market, we can help you achieve your goals. Join us in going global and bridging the gap!

Our Services

people standing in front of computer monitor

Media Public Relations

Enhance your brand's reputation and manage public perception through strategic media relations.
Funny that this has become my most popular image on Unsplash, as it’s not really my style of shot. Our office had gone out on an excursion to the Broad Museum and I was just shooting around while we were waiting on lunch at Blue Cow across the street. When I saw the shot I asked the coworker featured, Olivia, if she’d be okay with the image going up for the world to use. She thought it sounded funny, so she signed the release and didn’t think twice about it. If you do an image search, you can see it’s been used over a hundred times for articles - almost always on the topic of social media.

Digital Advertising

Reach your target audience effectively through various digital advertising channels.
audience in a conference

Event Planning

Organize and execute memorable events that create buzz and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Empower your brand with digital marketing solutions.

Reach your target customers and expand your global presence!

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