Optimizing Automated Compensation Solutions

At Meed Partners, excellence in automating enterprise variable compensation projects is our business. Our proven expertise in design, development, and automated testing ensures your compensation systems are correct and highly performant. Let us help you harvest maximal value from this essential function.

Our Services


What might seem like order - 'all my planes are here', could well be seen as plain disarray. Not only do we listen very carefully to you, we bring perspective that is sometimes hard to obtain.

Requirements have always been critical. The advent of AI only makes them more so. We want to talk with you, with your team and your overlords. Before any doing is done there need to be agreed and prioritized goals. Written down. Suitable to be traced through to system testing. We're serious and you know that you need to be.

Sticky wickets

Especially difficult problems are often where the greatest opportunity lives. When you find yourself dwelling on one of those 'If only we could' sort of challenges, that's where we shine. Eliminate needless complexity? Triple system performance? Clean Augean stables? We want to help you solve big problems.

Automated Testing

Test is often an area of tremendous waste and inefficiency. We're deeply committed to and experienced with automated testing. We consider it essential that testing is scalable, repeatable, automated, and persisted. Why wouldn't you want to accelerate delivery, reduce cost, and improve quality?


Attention and effort are at the heart of success. We're not offering magic, we're offering the outcome of applying deep fundamentals

Happy to listen, see what's possible, to help

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