Productivity workflows tailored to Your needs

Hi, I'm Niza ๐Ÿ‘‹

I'm a software engineer, a team lead, a developer advocate, personal productivity enthusiast, and that colleague who constantly annoys you with a new shiny tool they found for their productivity workflow.

Constant search for the best tool

I love tinkering with software and figuring out efficient workflows for specific tasks. I constantly look for new alternatives, just to see if this new shiny tool can solve that task tiny bit better.

So I thought...

This hobby of mine is becoming far larger than me. I find a piece of software, some tool that looks interesting and solves a certain problem, but I must reject tinkering with it, because I, personally, don't need it.

But somebody else might! I want to help people be more productive and efficient. Stop using that 20 years old program that is no longer supported. Find a better way!

There is always a better way

Some software is great at solving certain set of problems. But figuring out every single setting, every toggle, every configuration - a daunting task.

Let me do the research! You say what you want to achieve, I find the most efficient way of doing it for You.

So, what do I offer?

Research for your personal and professional productivity

We chat, you explain me your profession, your needs. Perhaps you're solving personal organization problems.

I will research available software and tools to solve Your specific needs.

Workflows setup

Once we figure out what software and tools you need and don't need, we can start talking about specific ways of using it.

  • How to set it up?

  • What settings to toggle?

  • How to solve common issues?

  • etc.

Entry web development courses

As a software engineer, I have technical skills in JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML and everything else related to web development. I can teach you basics and point you towards resources that helped me personally.

Plus, I can help you get started with modal editors such as NeoVim or Helix, and help you setup a dev environment and workflows.

Staying in touch afterwards

Once we complete the formal part of my services, we stay in touch to help you out with any issues that you might have with the workflows we setup together.

Short chats and consultations are always free.

Want to learn more or just ask few questions?

Schedule a one-on-one meeting or reach out using the form below. The first consultation is always free of charge.

You can email me or just submit the form
