Craftsman's peaceful work.

Empower your craft

Seamlessly connect with skilled subcontractors, manage projects, and grow your business all in one place

Our Services

three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

Integrated Project Management

Centralized tools for task assignment, milestone tracking, and deadlines.

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I was setting up a shot for a series of photos to be used on a website my agency was building. While I was snapping my test shots I captured this. It seemed so curious, so real. It feels raw and her stare is full of intent. The natural light brought an interesting cast into the photo that I don’t believe I could simulate any other way.

Advanced Subcontractor Matching

AI-driven algorithms for precise skill and availability matches.

Scrabble tiles and smartphone. 
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Community Building

Online forums and local events for networking and support.

Turn Overflow Into Opportunity

SoloConnect (SoCo) revolutionizes the craftsmanship industry with integrated project management, AI-driven subcontractor matching, secure financial transactions, and community building. Elevate your business with seamless collaboration and unmatched quality assurance.

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