Design Therapy for Burned Out Designers

Unwind Design offers therapy services for user experience designers who are feeling burned out and need support to stay in their current job. Our mission is to help designers find balance, regain their passion, and thrive in their careers.

Our Services

Meditation with Lovely Cat

Mindfulness Training

Develop mindfulness skills to enhance focus, creativity, and overall well-being in the fast-paced world of user experience design.
Blue clock on a pastel background

Time Management Workshops

Learn proven techniques to effectively manage your time and increase productivity as a user experience designer.
Balance training at sunrise on the beach before surf session

Work-Life Balance Consultations

Get personalized advice and strategies for achieving a healthy work-life balance in the demanding field of user experience design.

Reignite your passion. Stay in your job. Find balance.

Rediscover joy and fulfillment in your UX design career!

Take a step towards rejuvenation and balance

Schedule a time to connect with us


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